This project involves the preliminary design for the rehabilitation and / or replacement of 7 bridges at 4 sites on the Ottawa Queensway from Metcalfe Street to Main Street in the urban core of Ottawa. The 4 sites and the associated Study Area are presented below.

The area of study includes three levels of analysis. The “Broader Study Area” includes the geographic area of the City where temporary short term offsite detour routes are being considered for freeway closures. The “Immediate Study Area” will be defined to focus on the Queensway Corridor generally within or adjacent to the MTO right-of-way that will include the bridge alternatives and possible staging areas for candidate bridge construction sites needed for rapid replacement options. Within this Study Area, we will also identify “Local Study Areas” at each of the bridge locations along with potential candidate construction staging sites necessary for the construction of bridge segments for the rapid replacement options. Environmental inventories and secondary source reviews have been carried out within the limits of the “Immediate and Local Study Areas” and at the potential construction staging sites.
In 2007, the MTO completed an Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design for the Queensway corridor in this area. The recommendations from the 2007 study have guided this current study and other projects that received environmental clearance. Since the 2007 EA completion, the MTO has been proceeding with several projects including: rapid replacement bridge projects between Maitland Avenue and O’Connor Street; and other projects outside this Study Area, including Booth Street bridge widening, Bronson Avenue interchange improvements and Kent Street bridge rehabilitation. See list of previous projects.