Dernières nouvelles

/Dernières nouvelles
Dernières nouvelles2017-07-05T12:59:43+00:00

Study Completion and 30-day Public Review

Study Completion and 30-day Public Review of Transportation Environmental Study Report The Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) is available for a 30-day public review period from August 12, 2024 to September 11, 2024. The TESR...

August 2024|Latest News|

Noise Assessment Report

As part of the Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design for the Queensway Downtown Bridges from Metcalfe Street to Main Street a Noise Assessment was completed. The Noise Assessment Report can be found at the following link:

November 2019|Latest News|

SIP no 2

SIP no 2 La seconde séance d’information publique (SIP) présentera : l’aperçu du projet et la zone d’étude; le processus d’EE et son échéancier; les facteurs et critères utilisés dans l’analyse et l’évaluation des options; l’analyse et l’évaluatio...

April 2019|Latest News|